Code of Conduct


The FIDO Alliance is a non-profit industry organization that works to replace passwords with simpler, secure methods of authentication. It consists of hundreds of members varying in size and geographical diversity and collaborates with industry partners and regulators around the world. 

To help fulfill its mission, the FIDO Alliance has adopted this Code of Conduct, as an ethical framework for its interactions both within the alliance during working group and committee meetings, both online and in person, and for staff, contractors and volunteers representing the FIDO Alliance when meeting with other members, non-members, industry partners and regulators. 

The FIDO Alliance believes that compliance with high ethical standards is key to meeting its objectives as well as being to the benefit of all stakeholders. 

FIDO Alliance acknowledges that its Member companies may have their own Code of Conduct or equivalent and anticipates that this Code of Conduct shall complement and reinforce those. 

This Code of Conduct shall apply to the FIDO Alliance staff and contractors at all times, as well as its Members as their conduct relates to the activities of the FIDO Alliance. For the purposes of this document, ‘FIDO Alliance’ shall refer to all staff, contractors and all Member volunteers. 


The FIDO Alliance maintains strict political, religious, and philosophical neutrality. 


The FIDO Alliance and its Members shall respect the principles of equal treatment and equal opportunities between human beings. The FIDO Alliance and its Members abide by the principle of non-discrimination based on, notably, race, origins, social group, sexual orientation, gender, religion, beliefs, abilities, opinions, or language. 


The FIDO Alliance and its Members bring together individuals from all over the world. All participants shall treat and be treated fairly, politely and with respect by their colleagues. Unacceptable behaviors include any form of harassment (sexual or otherwise), abusive, discriminatory, derogatory, demeaning, offensive, or dangerous conduct, as well as other behaviors that would be considered inappropriate within a professional setting.  


The FIDO Alliance and its Members shall apply the FIDO Alliance Privacy Policy and shall adhere to the applicable legal framework on data protection.

The FIDO Alliance and its Members shall maintain the confidentiality of non-public information, including confidential information provided by third parties, according to the FIDO Alliance Membership Agreement. 


The FIDO Alliance and its Members are committed to respecting the rule of law, in particular the laws, rules and regulations applicable to their activities, whether it is the law of a meeting place, the law of the residence location of a given individual, company or organization, the law of the formation location of a given company or organization, any other law that may apply to the given individual, company or organization and any combination of the above. In doing so, the FIDO Alliance and its Members should take into full consideration prevailing international decisions, treaties, conventions, and trade controls. 


The FIDO Alliance and its Members are required to adhere to the highest standards of honesty, respect, truth, fairness, and ethical behavior. When communicating to other parties or to the public, the FIDO Alliance and its Members shall use best efforts to ensure the accuracy of statements and shall refrain from providing false, inaccurate, or otherwise misleading information. 

The FIDO Alliance is committed to complying with all applicable antitrust laws and regulations, and, by joining the alliance and executing the FIDO Alliance Membership Agreement, its Members agree to limit discussions to subjects that relate to the purposes of the FIDO Alliance, whether such discussions take place during formal meetings, informal gatherings, or otherwise. 


Neither the FIDO Alliance nor its Members shall use threats, bribes, or other illegal means contrary to national anti-corruption laws to influence the adoption or implementation of laws, rules or regulations, or the content of court decisions. In the absence of national legislation, the FIDO Alliance and its Members shall abide by best international practices on anti-corruption in the private and public sectors. 


FIDO Alliance Members commit to disclose any interest that could reasonably be considered to involve a conflict of interest and to refrain from any activity directly or indirectly giving rise to a conflict of interest. 

9. PROHIBITION ON CONDUCT BRINGING THE FIDO ALLIANCE INTO DISREPUTE FIDO Alliance and its Members will not engage in any conduct which brings FIDO into disrepute or jeopardizes the integrity of its activities.


Participants’ use of social media can pose risks to the FIDO Alliance’s reputation and mission and can even jeopardize the FIDO Alliance’s compliance with business rules and laws. To minimize these business and legal risks, the FIDO Alliance expects participants to adhere to the following guidelines and rules regarding social media use. 

  • Participants are responsible for what they personally communicate in social media and should remember that what they write might be made public, even if they initially intend for the communication to be private. Participants shall make clear in their personal social media activity that they are speaking on their own behalf. They will write in the first person and use their personal addresses and account names when communicating via social media. If a participant discloses their affiliation with the FIDO Alliance, they will also include a disclaimer that their views do not represent those of FIDO Alliance. 
  • Participants will use good judgment about what they post and remember that anything they say can reflect on the FIDO Alliance, even with the inclusion of a disclaimer.
  • Participants must strive to be accurate in their communications about the FIDO Alliance and remember that their statements have the potential to result in liability for themselves or the FIDO Alliance. The FIDO Alliance encourages professionalism, respect and honesty in social media and all other communications. Participants should be mindful that the FIDO Alliance’s policies and procedures, and this Code, apply to their social media activity as well, including those policies and standards related to confidentiality, non-discrimination, and harassment.
  • If a participant is contacted for comment about the FIDO Alliance for publication, including in any social media or news outlet, they should direct the inquiry to


The FIDO Alliance is always bound to this Code of Conduct. The FIDO Alliance Members shall adhere to this Code of Conduct, in addition to their own ethical and compliance rules, when conducting any activities associated with the FIDO Alliance. Any external consultants engaged by Members shall also be required to adhere to this Code of Conduct as it relates to their activities concerning the FIDO Alliance. 

If any staff member, officer or Member of the FIDO Alliance becomes aware of a breach of the Code of Conduct, he or she may bring it to the attention of the Executive Director in a confidential manner. If this is deemed inappropriate, the complaint may be brought to the President. 


If a participant engages in unacceptable behavior, FIDO Alliance may take any action it deems appropriate, up to and including expulsion and/or disqualification from FIDO meetings, events, and programs without warning.

Based on the nature of or continued conduct, failure to adhere to one or more of the principles of the Code of Conduct will be reviewed by the FIDO Board, which may suspend or terminate a staff member, the membership of the Member concerned or require the person concerned to be replaced by the Member with immediate effect. 

Any general questions regarding this code of conduct may be directed to