The FIDO Functional Certification program allows members and non-members to measure compliance and ensure interoperability among products and services that support FIDO specifications. Companies completing certification may display the FIDO® Certified logo to demonstrate to consumers, customers and partners that they have created a high‐quality, interoperable FIDO implementation that is known to work with other FIDO implementations.

The latest version of the Functional Certification Program Policy documentation is available on the Getting Started page, and the review of this document is the recommended starting point.


Steps to FIDO Certification

  1. Conformance Self‐Validation, where test tools are used to validate that the implementation conforms to the FIDO specifications.
  2. Interoperability Testing, where testing is performed at a proctored event or On Demand to ensure that implementations are functional and compatible with other implementations.
  3. Authenticator Certification: All authenticators must meet additional security requirements and select at least Level (L1) Authenticator Certification.
  4. Certification Submission, where all the required documentation is submitted as a request for certification.
  5. Trademark Usage (optional). After executing the Trademark License Agreement, implementers may use the FIDO® Certified mark and logo on their product, packaging, and marketing literature.
  6. FIDO Metadata Service Registration (recommended): The FIDO Alliance Metadata Service (MDS) is a web-based tool where FIDO authenticator vendors can publish metadata statements for FIDO servers to download. This provides organizations deploying FIDO servers with a centralized and trusted source of information about FIDO authenticators.

The certification process is managed by the FIDO Alliance staff. Should you have any questions not answered by the FAQs, please feel free to contact us at