Fees are assessed per certified implementation and must be paid before the issuance of FIDO® Certified Certificate documentation.

User Authentication Certification Fees for Authenticators are assessed per certified implementation. For an overview of the different security levels and requirements that can impact certification fees, please review the Authenticator Certification page. Additionally, for an overview of the different authenticator scenarios following the certification of a base Certified product, please review the Authenticator Certification Scenarios page.

FIDO Certification FeesFIDO MemberNon-Member
Authenticator (Functional) Certification$6,000 USD$9,000 USD
Authenticator Security Level 1 (L1) CertificationIncluded*Included*
Authenticator Security Levels 1+ and higher Certification$9,000 USD$13,500 USD
Authenticator Derivative Certification$1,000 USD$1,500 USD
Authenticator Delta Certification$1,200 USD$1,800 USD
Server (Functional) Certification$6,000 USD$9,000 USD
Server Derivative Certification$1,000 USD$1,500 USD
On Demand Interoperability Testing$3,000 USD$3,000 USD
*Authenticators completing L1 are required to pay the Functional Certification Fee. There is no additional fee for L1 Security Certification.