The FIDO Alliance has fifteen active Working Groups, chartered to facilitate the Alliance’s technical and market adoption objectives. Participation in the Working Groups is open to all Board and Sponsor members, with Associate members able to participate on invite-only basis.
Technical Working Groups
FIDO2 Technical Working Group
The mission of the FIDO2 Technology Working Group is to consider future requirements, and to ensure widespread interoperability within the authentication ecosystem among devices, clients, and servers.
Co-Chair: Christiaan Brand, Google
Co-Chair: Nick Steele, 1Password
Vice-Chair: David Waite, Ping Identity
Device Onboarding Technical Working Group
The Device Onboarding Technical Working Group (DO TWG) has been established to develop use cases, target architectures, and specifications covering the following topics: IoT Device Attestation/Authentication profiles to enable interoperability between relying parties and IoT devices, automated onboarding, and binding of applications and/or users to IoT devices, IoT device authentication and provisioning via smart routers and IoT hubs, and gap analysis and extensions/modifications (where necessary) of existing FIDO specifications related to IoT authentication, platforms and protocols.
Co-Chair: Gerardo Diaz Cuellar, Microsoft
Co-Chair: Brad Goodman, Dell Technologies
Metadata Service Technical Working Group
The Metadata Service Working Group manages the FIDO Metadata Service, co-ordinate with the Technical and Security Requirements Working Groups to ensure any required modifications of the metadata are accommodated, and promote the use of the Metadata Service.
Chair: Rolf Lindemann, Nok Nok Labs
Universal Authentication Framework (UAF) Technical Working Group
The mission of the UAF Technology Working Group is to develop the FIDO Technology Specifications necessary to create and ensure the viability and widespread interoperability of the authentication security ecosystem between devices, clients and servers.
Chair: Rolf Lindemann, Nok Nok Labs
Certification, Security, Privacy and Identity focused Working Groups
Biometrics Working Group
The Biometrics Working Group (BWG) develops and maintains a framework for the certification of biometric subsystems (components) that can in turn be integrated into FIDO authenticators and other industry products (e.g. IoT devices and identity verification systems) and ensures the harmonization across other Working Groups relating to biometrics, and (any) implications to the FIDO brand. The BWG acts as the primary strategic, advisory and working body of the FIDO Alliance with regard to defining all biometric performance criteria and testing processes and procedures of biometric subsystems for the Biometrics Component Certification Program, and facilitates the effective communication, both internally and externally, about product certification and its impacts to the FIDO brand.
Chair: Greg Cannon, Amazon
Vice-Chair: Stephanie Schuckers, Clarkson University
Certification Working Group
The mission of the Certification Working Group is to support the goal of the FIDO Alliance in changing the nature of authentication security on the Web by developing the strategy, processes and supporting programs for the certification of products developed to the FIDO technical specifications and defining processes and ensuring harmonization of the testing protocols and implications to the FIDO brand.
Co-Chair: Beatrice Peirani, Thales
Co-Chair: Naga Nagarajan, Nok Nok Labs
Identity Verification & Binding Working Group
The IDWG has been created to establish possession-based Identity Verification (and Binding) performance requirements, develop certification assessment criteria for those requirements (in collaboration with the Certification Working Group) and create white papers and other materials that support the adoption of these requirements and certification criteria.
Chair: Paul Grassi, Amazon
Vice Chair: Chris Cortes, Onfido
Security & Privacy Requirements Working Group
The Security and Privacy Requirements Working Group (SPWG) will define the policy and process for which privacy and security of FIDO implementations will be evaluated, especially including the ongoing evolution of privacy, security requirements and threats. The purpose of these security requirements is to produce security certified FIDO implementations in a way that is meaningful to relying parties, users, and B2B consumers of FIDO implementations, including security metadata and security certificates. The SPWG will not mandate security, but provide information and certifications and let the market decide whether or not FIDO implementations should be security certifications. In addition, the SPWG will provide privacy-related expertise and guidance to the FIDO Board of Directors and develop privacy-related recommendations to FIDO Working Groups who submit Specifications and Other Publications to the group for review. The group will also provide guidance for privacy-related messaging for all relevant public communications.
Co-Chair: Beatrice Peirani, Thales
Co-Chair: Johan Verrept, OneSpan
Adoption Working Groups
Consumer Deployment Working Group
In order to accelerate overall deployments of FIDO solutions and achieve the FIDO Alliance’s vision for a strong, interoperable modern authentication ecosystem, the CDWG will act as subject matter experts and internal advisors within the FIDO Alliance on issues affecting the deployment of FIDO solutions.
Chair: Max Hata, NTT DOCOMO
Enterprise Deployment Working Group
In order to accelerate enterprise deployments of FIDO solutions and achieve the FIDO Alliance’s vision for a strong, interoperable modern authentication ecosystem, the EDWG will act as subject matter experts and internal advisors within the FIDO Alliance on issues affecting the deployment of FIDO solutions at the enterprise level.
Co-Chair: Sean Miller, RSA
Co-Chair: Dean Saxe, Beyond Identity
Vice-Chair: John Bradley, Yubico
Vice-Chair: Tom Sheffield, Target Corporation
Government Deployment Working Group
In order to accelerate enterprise deployments of FIDO solutions across the globe and achieve the FIDO Alliance’s vision for a strong, interoperable modern authentication ecosystem, the GDWG will act as subject matter experts and internal advisors within the FIDO Alliance on issues affecting the deployment of FIDO solutions by governments for both enterprise and consumer/citizen-facing applications.
Co-Chair: Joe Scalone, Yubico
Co-Chair: Teresa Wu, IDEMIA
Vice-Chair: Christine Owen, 1Kosmos
Payments Working Group
The Payments Working Group (PWG) defines FIDO solutions that can best address payment use cases and requirements. The PWG will also act as subject matter experts and internal advisors within the FIDO Alliance on issues affecting the use of FIDO solutions for payment use cases.
Co-Chair: Henna Kapur, Visa
Co-Chair: Jonathan Grossar, Mastercard
User Experience (UX) Working Group
The UX Working Group acts as UX subject matter experts to the FIDO Board and Working Groups, encompassing the broad perspectives of end users, developers, RPs, vendors, and FIDO Alliance. The group identifies usability challenges within the FIDO ecosystem and comes up with recommendations for solutions.
Co-Chair: Mitch Galavan, Google
Co-Chair: James Hwang, Microsoft
Regional Working Groups
FIDO China Working Group
The mission of the FIDO China Working Group is to facilitate communication and cooperation within the China authentication industry to promote deployment of FIDO solutions, improve FIDO awareness and collect regulatory requirements from the Chinese industry and government, working closely with policy makers.
Co-Chair: Henry Chai, Lenovo
Co-Chair: Yan Yan, FEITIAN
FIDO Europe Working Group
The FIDO Europe Working Group will facilitate communication and cooperation within the European market to promote deployment of FIDO solutions, improve FIDO awareness and collect regulatory requirements from the relevant European stakeholders. Working closely with policy makers, it will coordinate any communication, information and education sessions, in alignment with the relevant FIDO groups, in particular with respect to PSD2, eIDAS, and GDPR requirements and the role of FIDO authentication in products and services subject to those regulations.
Co-Chair: Adrian Portelli, Visa
Co-Chair: Debora Comparin, Thales
FIDO India Working Group
The FIDO India Working Group will facilitate communication and cooperation within India’s authentication and IT industry to promote deployment of FIDO solutions, improve FIDO awareness and analyze regulatory requirements by working closely with policy makers.
Chair: Niharika Arora, Google
Vice Chair: Tapesh Bhatnagar, G+D
FIDO Japan Working Group
The mission of the FIDO Japan Working Group is to: 1) facilitate communication and cooperation within the FJWG members to help deployment of FIDO solutions, and improve FIDO awareness; 2) provide opportunities for Japanese markets and enterprises to obtain the information and knowledge of FIDO Alliance and its contributions for their businesses; and, 3) support the promotion and education of FIDO Alliance in Japan. E.g., collaborate with FIDO Alliance Marketing for FIDO Seminars in Japan.
Chair: Koichi Moriyama, NTT DOCOMO
Vice-Chair: Yuya Ito, LY Corporation
Vice-Chair: Naohisa Ichihara, Mercari
FIDO Korea Working Group
The mission of the FIDO Korea Working Group is to: 1) facilitate communication and cooperation within the FKWG members to help deployment of FIDO solutions, and improve FIDO awareness; 2) provide opportunities for Korean markets and enterprises to obtain the information and knowledge of FIDO Alliance and its contributions for their businesses, and 3) support the promotion and education of FIDO Alliance in Korea by collaborate with FIDO Alliance Marketing Team.
Chair: Hyungchul Jung, Samsung Electronics
Vice-Chair: Kieun Shin, SK Telecom
Senior Advisor: Dr. Heung Youl Youm
Regional Engagement Committees
FIDO Taiwan Forum
This local group in Taiwan creates a central point of contact for FIDO related matters and information, share news, respond to local enquiries and connect industry participants involved in the development and implementation of FIDO-enabled products and services.
Chair: Karen Chang, Egis