Document Authenticity (DocAuth) Certification Program
FIDO Alliance’s Doc Auth Certification Program is independent of its other certification programs. There are no FIDO certification prerequisites to apply for DocAuth certification for a mobile document verification solution.
This figure provides an overview of the certification process of a mobile document verification solution:

Detailed Certification Process:
To certify a remote document verification solution, a vendor will follow these steps:
Step 1:
Complete and submit application: the vendor completes a NDA and notify the Identity Verification (IDV) Secretariat at [] of intent to complete testing and certification.
Step 2:
DocAuthTesting: FIDO Accredited Laboratories are responsible for testing against the performance criteria requirements and testing procedures. In this step, the vendor must select a FIDO Accredited DocAuth Laboratory, enter into an engagement for FIDO DocAuth Testing with the lab, and notify the IDV Secretariat regarding the selected lab and estimated timeline of testing. .
Next, the vendor submits their remote document verification solution to the selected FIDO Accredited DocAuth Laboratory along with required documentation.
A list of accredited labs can be found at
Step 3:
Testing and Reporting: in this step, the vendor and accredited laboratory will collaborate on test plan documentation. This documentation is then submitted for review and approval by the IDV Secretariat before testing can begin. The IDV Secretariat reviews the test plan documentation and makes a decision to approve or ask for clarification. Once the test plan documentation is approved, the accredited laboratory performs testing and returns a laboratory evaluation report to the vendor and to the IDV Secretariat. The IDV Secretariat reviews the report and makes a decision to approve, reject, or ask for clarification.
Step 4:
Certification Request: after the laboratory report has been approved, the vendor completes a certification request.
Step 5:
Certification Issuance: FIDO’s Certification Secretariat reviews and, if complete, approves the certification request and issues an invoice for the Document Authenticity (DocAuth) Certification Fee. Receipt of payment is required before certificate issuance is completed and posted to the database of FIDOⓇ Certified products.