Banks in Europe have deployed customer authentication solutions for several years. These solutions have served their purpose well and enabled customers to safely log in to their bank accounts. In the world of e-commerce, these solutions, when used, have been successful in combating online payment fraud. The success of PSD2 will ultimately be determined by how well banks can balance user convenience with security obligations, while maximizing reach. As such, they may want to evaluate how well their legacy authentication solutions meet this new need. FIDO authentication standards have been proposed as a way for banks to meet all requirements in a PSD2 world — but is the change from a legacy method to FIDO worthwhile? Find the slides here.


Webinar: Misconceptions about passkeys

In the years since passkeys were first announced, a lot has changed in their availability…

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Passkeys Webinar: Achieving End-to-End Passwordless

Authentication is a complicated problem with ever-creeping scope. Passkeys provide phishing-resistance at the point of…

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UX Webinar Series: Essentials for Adopting Passkeys for your Consumer Authentication Strategy

In part one of this four-part webinar series, attendees learned why major service providers are…

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