X (previously known as Twitter) will now let its users login with a passkey instead of a password – but only on iOS devices. X announced its intentions to adopt the passwordless technology a while back, and now it has launched the feature for iPhone users. It allows for a quicker way to login, only requiring users to authenticate with whatever they use to lock their device, such as their fingerprint, FaceID, or PIN. 


The Register: Microsoft, Google do a victory lap around passkeys

Passkeys are based on a FIDO alliance standard that’s supported by Apple, Microsoft and Google. Think of…

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Silicon Republic: Microsoft and Google are pushing harder for passkeys

Passkeys have been growing rapidly in popularity. In the UK, for instance, more than half…

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TechCrunch: Google expands passkey support to its Advanced Protection Program ahead of the US presidential election

Google is introducing passkey support to its Advanced Protection Program (APP), designed for individuals facing…

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