Today, secure access to online applications and services has evolved into a framework reliant on devices, public key cryptography and biometrics to replace the shared secrets of aging passwords. Since 2013, the FIDO Alliance has developed open and scalable advancements to eliminate phishing and other security attacks. To introduce these improvements and to educate employees throughout corporate management and IT security, FIDO Alliance has developed a series of best practices and how-to white papers that match the Alliance’s goals with the responsibilities and titles of technology professionals. This work is dedicated to eliminating passwords and securing the simple act of logging on within all companies. 

This white paper answers the most common questions from CXOs about the value proposition of FIDO Authentication and how the FIDO2 passwordless framework addresses the authentication needs and challenges of companies for the modern workforce. The goal of this document is to guide executive leaders within an organization as to why they should invest in FIDO2 deployment for their employees.