Due to rapid developments in both safe and harmful technology, cybersecurity is among the most volatile industries. However, we can still identify certain trends affecting the industry. From passwordless solutions broadly available to consumers, to the first real-life cases of automotive hacking, all of these are likely to shape the cybersecurity landscape in 2023. 2022 marks the year when the passwordless future idea experienced its first big wins, and 2023 is expected to be even more fruitful. Many progressive companies are likely to adopt the new passkeys technology, supported by the FIDO (Fast Identity Online) Alliance. Tech giants such as Microsoft, Apple, and Google have already announced their commitment to delivering passwordless logins and even introduced their first efforts to consumers.


InfoWorld: Better authentication: Go get ’em, FIDO

In this feature on FIDO, InfoWorld shows how the FIDO Alliance is breaking the mold…

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TechTarget: FIDO authentication standard could signal the passing of passwords

TechTarget reports how FIDO authentication standard could eventually reduce password dependencies as government and industry…

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