Apple has revealed more details on its plans to try and remove passwords with its new ‘passkey’ tool in an effort to increase online security, in collaboration with the FIDO Alliance. Passkeys are based on public key cryptography, which involves storing a private security key on your device. Because there’s no password to type, phishing and other scams will become far less frequent.


GB News: If you’re using a password on this list, change it now – hackers could break into your account in seconds

The most common passwords of 2023, including “123456” and “admin,” have been exposed, leaving millions…

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Biometric Update: Digital IDs mean manageable and critical change, FIDO tells US federal security leaders

FIDO Alliance webinar aimed at U.S. federal data-security officials to promote digital authentication while reassuringthem…

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Inside Cybersecurity: FIDO Alliance emphasizes need for agency feedback on implementing authentication standard

FIDO Alliance seeks increased government involvement to develop comprehensive guidelines for implementing aphishing-resistant authentication standard…

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