Apple has revealed more details on its plans to try and remove passwords with its new ‘passkey’ tool in an effort to increase online security, in collaboration with the FIDO Alliance. Passkeys are based on public key cryptography, which involves storing a private security key on your device. Because there’s no password to type, phishing and other scams will become far less frequent.


IT Pro: Passkeys, a passwordless authentication solution supported by major tech companies, provide a secure alternative using public key cryptography

Built on the WebAuthentication standard, they eliminate traditional password challenges. Despite corporate adoption hurdles, the…

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WSJ: 23andMe Hack Is a Wake-Up Call for Your Password Habits

The recent 23andMe breach, exposing personal information belonging to 6.9 million people, underlines the dangers…

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Medium: Exploring the World of FIDO: Life Without Passwords

The FIDO Alliance is a pioneer in digital security and is redefining authentication through SYM…

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