FIDO is the “hot thing” in identity and access management in 2019, and there are ways for organizations and users to take advantage of FIDO and improve security on non-certified devices, reports Brian Madden.


Gizmodo: Everything You Need to Know About the Plan to Kill Internet Passwords

In this feature story, Gizmodo’s David Neild highlights FIDO’s WebAuthn standard, the latest push to…

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ZDNet: ​Windows 10: We’re going to kill off passwords and here’s how, says Microsoft

As part of Microsoft’s efforts to banish ‘​inconvenient, insecure, and expensive’ passwords, ZDNet reports on…

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Wall Street Journal Pro Cybersecurity: As Passwords Become a Security Vulnerability, Companies Add Other Options

In this Wall Street Journal article, Kate Fazzini reports on how organizations like Amazon, Intel,…

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