The authentication of consumers during remote transactions has undeniable benefits in terms of security and approval rates but raises concerns of transactions being abandoned by consumers, as those consumers are not always able to authenticate properly to their banks.

Merchants and wallet providers have an existing relationship with consumers, and there is an opportunity to leverage authentication mechanisms established during that relationship to authenticate to remote transactions as a delegation of the bank’s authentication.

This white paper reviews the different authentication mechanisms that can be used by merchants or wallet providers in the context of Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Delegation and explains why FIDO is best positioned to meet the requirements from regulatory authorities, banks, merchants, or wallet providers.


White Paper: Enterprise Adoption Best Practices – Managing FIDO Credential Lifecycle for Enterprises

This white paper provides guidance to IT and Security professionals on how manage FIDO authentication…

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FIDO & PSD2: Meeting the needs for Strong Consumer Authentication

This white paper outlines how the FIDO standards can facilitate the implementation of the new…

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