Apple’s Passkey technology uses established industry standards from the FIDO Alliance, which Apple helped develop and is working with other technology companies and service providers around the world to reduce the collective reliance on passwords. The FIDO Alliance passwordless login standards are already supported by billions of devices and all modern web browsers.


MakeUseOf: It’s Time to Stop Using SMS and 2FA Apps for Two-Factor Authentication

In this article, MakeUseOf explains why a physical FIDO U2F security key is more secure…

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Computerworld: What is Windows Hello? Microsoft’s biometrics security system explained

Anoosh Saboori, senior program manager lead at Microsoft tells Computerworld that Windows Hello lets a…

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Mobile ID World: FIDO Alliance Launches Korea Working Group, Pushes For Global Adoption

Mobile ID World reports that the FIDO Alliance has announced the launch of the FIDO…

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