ThumbSignin Passwordless Authentication Service

Product Category:Server, Client/Authenticator Combo
Product Company:Pramati Technologies
Product Specification:UAF

The ThumbSignIn Passwordless Authentication Service is a free hosted service that allows any developer to easily integrate passwordless authentication capabilities to their website and mobile apps in a plug-and-play manner.
No need to set up a FIDO UAF server of your own. Just sign up online and get started in a few minutes. Use our APIs to integrate FIDO authentication with your server in no more than a couple of hours. You could use the ThumbSignIn Mobile apps to test your server integration before integrating our mobile SDKs into your own apps.

Our vision is to make biometric authentication ubiquitous and accessible to all developers. Hence we have created a SaaS offering that is completely FREE.


Pramati Technologies a leading enterprise software products and services company with 1500+ employees and over two decades of experience bringing new technology innovations in cloud, social and mobile technologies to large enterprise customers. It also operates as a corporate incubator spinning out its own ventures, as well as offering innovation as service through innovation/incubation labs for large companies.

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