Passwordless authentication is one of those concepts that is finally having its day in the sun after Apple, Google and Microsoft came onboard last year, expanding their support for the passwordless sign-in standard created by the FIDO Alliance and the World Wide Web Consortium. “The work that the FIDO Alliance has done to roll out passkeys, really positioning them as a strong way for consumers to start using and leveraging that strong PKI authentication, I think that is a really good step forward,” said Josh Cigna, enterprise solutions architect at Yubico.


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In this article, FindBometrics reports on how the FIDO Alliance is heralding the increasing prominence…

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FindBiometrics: FIDO Gets High-Profile Endorsements at RSA 2017

FindBiometric shares highlights on FIDO from RSA 2017, including a summary of the FIDO Alliance’s…

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InfoWorld: RSA Conference preview: The agenda can’t keep up

InfoWorld looks at the hottest long-running themes for the 2017 RSA Conference, including “security foundations”…

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