Reseller News goes in depth on FIDO Alliance, its mission, and the specifications that websites and other service providers can use to move away from password-based security. Read this article to find out how the FIDO specs allow service providers to take advantage of biometric and other hardware-based security measures, either from hardware security keys or the biometric features built into most new smartphones and some PCs.


Ars Technica: Practical passwordless authentication comes a step closer with WebAuthn

ArsTechnica reports that the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and FIDO Alliance announced that a…

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CNET: Password-free web security is coming to Chrome, Firefox, Edge

CNET reports that leading browsers Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge will support WebAuthn…

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Engadget: Web standard brings password-free sign-ins to virtually any site

Tech companies have been trying to do away with web passwords for years, but now…

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