Reseller News goes in depth on FIDO Alliance, its mission, and the specifications that websites and other service providers can use to move away from password-based security. Read this article to find out how the FIDO specs allow service providers to take advantage of biometric and other hardware-based security measures, either from hardware security keys or the biometric features built into most new smartphones and some PCs.


Gizmodo: How to Do Passwords Right in 2018

Gizmodo suggests security keys that support the FIDO U2F standard as a way to “do…

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Forbes: How Security Keys Can Protect Your Agency And Clients

Forbes explains how security keys can protect companies from phishing and prevent breaches of client…

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RSA: Practice Cybersecurity Every Day, Not Just October

This RSA blog for Cybersecurity Month encourages companies to make it a goal for all…

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