Additionally, YubiKey — or the underlying FIDO2/WebAuthn & U2F standards — isn’t supported everywhere. Most of the important services that you probably use likely support it. As of writing, you can lock down your Gmail, Yahoo, Facebook, or Protonmail accounts, for example. You can also log into your Gmail account using a YubiKey as a second factor in the macOS or iOS Mail apps.


ZDNet: Passkeys take yet another big step towards killing off passwords

One of the drawbacks to passkeys is that currently there’s no way to import or…

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Bleeping Computer: Amazon says 175 million customers now use passkeys to log in

Amazon says 175 million customers now use passkeys to log in: Amazon has seen massive…

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FIDO Alliance Working on Making Passkeys Portable Across Platforms: Passkeys are an industry standard developed…

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