According to Cloudflare, it takes only three clicks to validate the cryptographic personality certificate, compared to ten or so with traditional captchas. The provider indicates that its service is however limited for the moment to English-speaking regions. In its current state, the solution only works with a handful of physical tokens, but they are all members of the FIDO alliance: YubiKeys, HyperFIDO and Thetis FIDO U2F. 


InfoSecurity: FIDO Alliance Expands Authenticator Certifications

The FIDO Alliance has expanded its certification program to include multi-level security certifications for FIDO…

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FindBiometrics: Aetna Showcases the FIDO Advantage at HIMSS 18

FindBiometrics reports from the HIMSS 2018 conference in Las Vegas, citing the FIDO Alliance and…

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The Paypers: Modern authentication: the key to achieving security, usability and regulatory compliance

Executive Director Brett McDowell discusses old authentication vs. new, FIDO Authentication and how FIDO Authentication…

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