Auth0 WebAuthnPasswordless thus allows users to authenticate using biometrics based on WebAuthn authentication, the official web standard for passwordless authentication published by the W3C and used by the FIDO Alliance, for one-factor authentication. This form of authentication eliminates the security weaknesses associated with password reuse, as passwords are not required.


The Paypers: You can now meet PSD2 authentication requirements while improving user experience

In this article in The Paypers, FIDO Alliance Executive Director Brett McDowell explains how FIDO…

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Harvard Business Review: 8 Ways Governments Can Improve Their Cybersecurity

This article in Harvard Business Review lays out 8 principles that governments around the world…

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Mobile ID World: New Batch of FIDO Certified Products Brings Total to 335

Mobile ID World reports that there are now more than 300 FIDO Certified products, showing…

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