In the last few days, the encrypted messaging platform, ‘Signal’ confirmed a variety of their customers fell victim to the phishing attack on Twilio. It is estimated that 1,900 were affected by the breach via phone number and SMS verification links to “reset passwords” on a phony Twilio link. By posing as Twilio’s IT dept, the hackers were able to obtain victim’s login credentials. Unfortunately, it is still unclear who was behind this attack. Cloudflare also revealed they were subjected to a phishing attack around the very same time as Twilio, but was not breached as an end result owing to the corporation-vast use of hardware-centered, FIDO2-compliant multi-factor authentication (MFA) keys.


Thales Launches FIDO Key Management Solution for Enterprise Passwordless Authentication

Thales has unveiled a new solution designed to streamline the deployment and management of FIDO…

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Yuno Rolls Out Mastercard Payment Passkey in Latin America to Combat Fraud and Streamline Checkouts

Global payments orchestrator Yuno is launching the Mastercard Payment Passkey Service across Latin America, enabling merchants in the region…

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Goodbye to manual card entry: Mastercard reveals when the new era of one-click online payments begins

Changes are on the way for online shopping and e-commerce. The traditional way of paying for…

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