The FIDO Alliance is an open industry association whose members include the likes of Apple, Google, American Express, Samsung and Microsoft. Its aim is to develop authentication standards to help reduce our over-reliance on passwords. Robin Amlot of IBS Intelligence spoke with Andrew Shikiar of the FIDO Alliance about the progress being made towards open standards and an interoperable ecosystem for simpler, stronger user authentication.stomers have safe and secure access to their bank accounts


Wall Street Journal Pro Cybersecurity: As Passwords Become a Security Vulnerability, Companies Add Other Options

In this Wall Street Journal article, Kate Fazzini reports on how organizations like Amazon, Intel,…

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Dark Reading: FIDO Alliance Appoints Facebook to Board of Directors

Facebook has joined Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Intel and other major influential tech companies to back…

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Spark, CBC Radio: Forget the password. No, really! They’re about to become obsolete

FIDO Executive Director Brett McDowell tells radio host Nora Young how WebAuthn is bringing simpler,…

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