The online workshop Modern Authentication with and without a password is about modern alternatives and what role PKI certificates, FIDO and passkeys play. Participants learn to manage certificates, use certificate-based authentication and implement security concepts in real scenarios.


Security Informed: trinamiX Unveils Secure Face Authentication In Foldable Phones

This touchless solution offers enhanced security and convenience, meeting the biometric security requirements set by…

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The Fintech Times: Visa Reveals Digital Products to be Launched Over the Year Catering to Evolving Consumer Demands

Built on the latest Fast Identity Online (FIDO) standards, the Visa Payment Passkey Service confirms a consumer’s…

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PYMNTS: Visa Recasts Digital Wallet Landscape at Intersection of Identity and Payments

Visa has enhanced their security and streamlined transactions by onboarding passkeys. Now consumers can confirm…

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