Company Information

Company name:  Authsignal


Authsignal is a drop-in digital identity authentication platform.

Focused on enabling enterprise and mid-market businesses to seamlessly authenticate customer identity, mitigate fraud, and secure customer data. Authsignal enables businesses to rapidly deploy passkeys, passwordless authentication (MFA), eKYC, biometric, and call center authentication.

Authsignal delivers a flexible and risk-based approach to authentication. Underpinned by a powerful no-code-rules engine. Product and Fraud teams leverage Authsignal to secure customer flows, reduce friction, and mitigate risk and fraud.

Built to augment any existing or new identity stack, out-of-the-box integrations via OpenID Connect (OIDC), Microsoft Azure b2c, ForgeRock/Ping Identity, and Identity Server enable rapid deployment times and significant cost savings.

Authsignal enables businesses to rapidly deploy passkeys, passwordless authentication (MFA), eKYC, and biometric authentication.


Phishing Resistant Authentication – Passkeys 

Authsignal enables businesses to rapidly deploy phishing-resistant authentication factors supporting both web and mobile deployment, including Passkeys and Hardware Keys (Yubikeys).

Risked Based Authentication / Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) 

Built upon a no-code rules and policy engine, delivering fine-tuned consumer-focused authentication experiences has never been so easy. Authsignal providers supports all modern factors of authentication, including Passkeys, WhatsApp OTP, Call Centre Authentication, and Push Authentication.

Passwordless Authentication 

Authsignal enables product and digital identity teams to plan and deploy Passwordless authentication in weeks. Support all modern authentication factors. Users are able to define primary and secondary authentication methods with support for backup codes.

No-Code Fraud Rules and Policy Engine 

Build for fraud and Customer experience teams – Underpinned by a powerful no-code-rules engine. Product and Fraud teams leverage Authsignal to secure customer flows, reduce friction, and mitigate risk and fraud. Build good customer flows and step up when risk is presented.

Call Centre Authentication 

Verify inbound and outbound customer identity via Authsignal Connect – call center authentication supporting Aws Connect and Genesis.


Authsignal test account

Create a test environment and start integrating.

Authsignal Developer Documentation

Integration guides for different CIAMs and technology stacks.

Passkeys Demo
Guide: How to champion passkeys within your organization

Contact Information

Paul Bickley, Sales Director