A byline by Andrew Shikiar, secured by Tyto, featured in ZDNet France. The article discusses the vulnerability of passwords as an online security method and the way that MFA can protect users of any online service. But, the piece maintains that MFA is not enough and much remains to be done, especially on the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) side.


InfoWorld: RSA Conference preview: The agenda can’t keep up

InfoWorld looks at the hottest long-running themes for the 2017 RSA Conference, including “security foundations”…

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The Hill: Securing government infrastructure with biometrics

This story from The Hill shares how open standards such as FIDO authentication can improve…

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Biometric Update: FIDO Alliance showcases ecosystem of FIDO certified products

Biometric Update reports on the new FIDO Certified showcase, which provides deploying organizations with a…

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