There was never a question that it would take years to transition the world away from passwords. The digital authentication technology, though deeply flawed, is pervasive and inveterate. Over the last five years, though, the secure-authentication industry association known as the FIDO Alliance has been making real progress promoting “passkeys,” a password-less alternative for signing into applications and websites.


ComputerWeekly: Facebook ups security with FIDO two-factor authentication

ComputerWeekly reports that Facebook is upgrading the login security for its 1.79 billion users by…

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InfoWorld: Better authentication: Go get ’em, FIDO

In this feature on FIDO, InfoWorld shows how the FIDO Alliance is breaking the mold…

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TechTarget: FIDO authentication standard could signal the passing of passwords

TechTarget reports how FIDO authentication standard could eventually reduce password dependencies as government and industry…

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