In Europe, financial services organizations, merchants, telecommunications companies, enterprises and the broader ecosystem are working to balance regulatory demands and rapidly evolving user expectations — all amidst a global pandemic. Implementing strong authentication has become a challenge for these organizations striving to protect valuable user and transaction data without introducing friction in the process.

This Authenticate Summit will bring together leading financial services executives, regulatory experts, merchants, solutions providers and industry analysts to discuss the state of authentication in Europe in light of regulations like PSD2 SCA, eIDAS and GDPR, open banking and the COVID-19 pandemic.


Video: FIDO Alliance Webinar: How to use FIDO with the EUDI Wallet

The EU Digital Identity (EUDI) Wallet, which is a core component of the emerging eIDAS2 regulation, is an area where…

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Video: Stronger Authentication; Stronger Identities: The State of the Industry’s Path to Passwordless

FIDO Alliance at Identity Management Day 2023 Everyone agrees it’s time to kill the password…

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Cybersecurity Policy Forum: Identity, Authentication and the Road Ahead

2023 brings a new year and a new Congress – but America is still struggling…

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