An effective Zero Trust environment requires an authentication system that can be relied upon to form a strong, solid foundation. With passwords and other shared credentials, the weakest links in any authentication system, Zero Trust MFA must fully eliminate these from the authentication process. The government has recognized this, with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency calling Fast Identity Online (FIDO) protocols the “gold standard” of MFA.


American Banker: Why banks should consider taking a page from Facebook on security keys

American Banker poses the question, “If Facebook brings physical security keys using FIDO authentication to…

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ComputerWeekly: Facebook ups security with FIDO two-factor authentication

ComputerWeekly reports that Facebook is upgrading the login security for its 1.79 billion users by…

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InfoWorld: Better authentication: Go get ’em, FIDO

In this feature on FIDO, InfoWorld shows how the FIDO Alliance is breaking the mold…

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