In what it called the “beginning of the end of the password,” Google last month began rolling out its own passkeys, an effort that could help agencies go passwordless and embrace a “zero trust” approach with layers of authentication required. Google’s move could create a “positive snowball effect” away from passwords, said Andrew Shikiar, executive director of the FIDO Alliance, which works to develop open authentication standards. 


Forbes: Cyber – The Threat Is Real

This Forbes article reports on how the FIDO Alliance focus on industry standards for two…

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Cyberscoop: NIST urged to include multi-factor authentication in cyber framework

In this Cyberscoop article, FIDO Alliance Executive Director Brett McDowell and Jeremy Grant of the…

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Cyberscoop: It’s time to put multi-factor authentication in the NIST Cyber Framework

In this article in Cyberscoop, Executive Director Brett McDowell explains why multi-factor authentication is a…

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