Google has announced plans to phase out SMS-based authentication for Gmail accounts in favor of more secure methods like QR code verification and passkeys. The change follows similar moves by other tech giants like Microsoft and Apple to strengthen authentication methods as part of the company’s broader security enhancement initiatives.


Biometric Update: Passkeys for enterprise report from FIDO says adoption is growing

A new report from the FIDO Alliance aims to understand the state of passkey deployments by enterprises…

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Identity Week: New FIDO Alliance report: 87% of enterprises in the U.S. and UK are deploying passkeys

The FIDO Alliance along with underwriters Axiad, HID, and Thales today released its State of Passkey Deployment in the Enterprise…

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Biometric Update: Biometrics connecting ID and payments through digital wallets, apps and passkeys

Biometrics are connecting with payment credentials, whether through numberless credit cards and banking apps or…

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