Apple are on the brink of a breakthrough with the new password feature in Mac OS Ventura’s Safari. Keys replaces typed passwords with Touch ID on a Mac. On the iPhone or iPad, you can use Face ID. No more searching for the unique password you create for each internet account. Apple works with the FIDO Alliance so passwords also work on non-Apple devices.


PaymentsSource: Retailers get ready for a high-risk holiday season

FIDO Alliance Executive Director Brett McDowell tells PaymentsSource that while there is no single solution…

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Dark Reading: Passwords Use Alone Still Trumps Multi-Factor Authentication

Dark Reading reports on theJavelin Strategy & Research’s 2017 State of Authentication Report, commissioned by…

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New York Times: Google’s Key to Strong Password Protection Runs Into Limits

John Sabin, a former hacker for the National Security Agency, says Google’s Advanced Protection Program…

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