As data breaches and increasingly sophisticated phishing attacks continue to drive online account compromise and financial loss, organizations are finally stepping up and investing in stronger, phishing-resistant forms of authentication, according to Javelin Research’s new “The State of Strong Authentication 2019” report. But what does this mean for strong authentication holdouts?

Get the answer to this question and more in this video on the report, featuring Al Pascual, senior vice president and research director, Javelin Strategy & Research and Andrew Shikiar, CMO, FIDO Alliance. These speakers share analysis on the state of consumer and enterprise authentication among U.S. businesses and the role that strong authentication is playing in protecting accounts and securing access to valuable data and critical systems.


Webinar: Misconceptions about passkeys

In the years since passkeys were first announced, a lot has changed in their availability…

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Passkeys Webinar: Achieving End-to-End Passwordless

Authentication is a complicated problem with ever-creeping scope. Passkeys provide phishing-resistance at the point of…

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UX Webinar Series: Essentials for Adopting Passkeys for your Consumer Authentication Strategy

In part one of this four-part webinar series, attendees learned why major service providers are…

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