Tech companies have been trying to do away with web passwords for years, but now it looks like they’ve reached a key milestone according to Engadget. The FIDO Alliance and W3C have launched a Web Authentication standard that lets you access virtually any online service in a PC browser through password-free FIDO Authentication.


The Conversation: The age of hacking brings a return to the physical key

The Conversation explains how the FIDO standards can bolster security for access to online accounts.

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Secure ID News: Merging FIDO and PIV could help Feds achieve strong authentication goals

This story from Secure ID News covers a recent FIDO Alliance white paper that outlines…

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FindBiometrics: FIDO Heralds Increasing Prominence of its Standards in Mobile Sector

In this article, FindBometrics reports on how the FIDO Alliance is heralding the increasing prominence…

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