This developer tutorial covers two unique builds. The first is WebAuthn for websites and building upon that is a FIDO2 build for Android. This presentation is based on two interactive code labs from Google.

The web portion covers how to build a website with a simple re-authentication functionality using a fingerprint sensor. Re-authentication is a concept where a user signs into a website once, then authenticate again as they try to enter important sections of the website, or come back after a certain interval, etc in order to protect the account. (Your First WebAuthn Codelab via Google)

The Android portion covers how to build an Android app with a simple re-authentication functionality using fingerprint sensor. (Your First Android FIDO2 API Codelab via Google)


Webinar: PSD2 Support: Why Change to FIDO

Banks in Europe have deployed customer authentication solutions for several years. These solutions have served…

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Webinar: FIDO & eIDAS: Providing Secure and Seamless Electronic Services in the EU

Over the last several years, eIDAS regulation has been widely adopted by the EU member…

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Webinar: Securing IoT with FIDO Authentication

Last summer, the FIDO Alliance announced a new standards initiative to tackle these security issues…

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