Passkey –

A new type of security technology being introduced by major vendors such as Apple, Microsoft, and Google in fall 2022 that aims to limit the need for passwords when signing into different applications. This technology, developed by the FIDO Alliance, uses tokenization rather than passwords during the login process and is meant to help prevent phishing and spoofing.


American Banker: Why banks should consider taking a page from Facebook on security keys

American Banker poses the question, “If Facebook brings physical security keys using FIDO authentication to…

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ComputerWeekly: Facebook ups security with FIDO two-factor authentication

ComputerWeekly reports that Facebook is upgrading the login security for its 1.79 billion users by…

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InfoWorld: Better authentication: Go get ’em, FIDO

In this feature on FIDO, InfoWorld shows how the FIDO Alliance is breaking the mold…

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