In the last few days, the encrypted messaging platform, ‘Signal’ confirmed a variety of their customers fell victim to the phishing attack on Twilio. It is estimated that 1,900 were affected by the breach via phone number and SMS verification links to “reset passwords” on a phony Twilio link. By posing as Twilio’s IT dept, the hackers were able to obtain victim’s login credentials. Unfortunately, it is still unclear who was behind this attack. Cloudflare also revealed they were subjected to a phishing attack around the very same time as Twilio, but was not breached as an end result owing to the corporation-vast use of hardware-centered, FIDO2-compliant multi-factor authentication (MFA) keys.


IT Brew: FIDO Alliance announces identity-proofing certification

FIDO’s Face Verification Certification tests for security, liveness, and bias in remote identity verification technology…

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Find Biometrics: ID Talk: Passkeys, Standards, and Selfie Certification with FIDO’s Andrew Shikiar

Andrew Shikiar, FIDO’s Executive Director and CEO, discusses key topics in authentication and identity security…

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AWS Expands MFA Requirements, Boosting Security and Usability with Passkeys

AWS has announced the introduction of FIDO passkeys for multi-factor authentication (MFA) to further secure…

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