Company Information
AuthenTrend is leading the way in authentication with biometric technology. 81% of hacking-related breaches use either stolen or weak passwords, we believe biometric passwordless is the inevitable trend of authentications to enhance security, reduce risk & cost, and bring convenience to users and IT. Today, people login via passkeys, either mobile phones or security keys, to eliminate passwords. Biometric authentication can be applied to login devices, accounts, services, and even blockchains. AuthenTrend is bringing fingerprint-enabled security authenticators from personal to business, from centralization to decentralization, from IT to IoT to lead the trend of authentications. We believe replacing passwords with fingerprints builds a more secure environment and brings convenience to users in this digital era.
(Authenticator) Biometric Fingerprint Passkeys – ATKey Series
• ATKey.Card NFC | Bio-tap to Login | Credit Card Type Contact/Contactless Fingerprint Passkey
• ATKey.Pro | Bio-touch to Login | Side-mounted USB Type A/C Fingerprint Passkey
ATKey add-on Services
• ATKey.Login | Passwordless Windows PC login for admin, local, on-premise AD, VM-based accounts.
(FIDO Server) Passkey-as-a-Service | AT.AuthFi
• On-demand FIDO server solution grows with businesses, from public cloud to private cloud and on-premises environment. AT.AuthFi services start without initial cost, business can reduce their operation cost and enhance work efficiency by embracing passwordless effortless.
ATKey.Pro | Instant Login for Windows with ATKey.Pro
ATKey Card NFC | Bio-Tap to Login | Why, What, Where to Use
AuthFi | Login Passwordless Before & After