Credential Exchange Format

Working Draft,

This version:
Issue Tracking:
Nick Steele (1Password)
Rew Islam (Dashlane)
Anders Åberg (Bitwarden)
Oscar Hinton (Bitwarden)
Jonathan Salamon (Dashlane)
Ayman Bedair (NordPass)
Lee Campbell (Google)
Reema Bajwa (Google)


This document defines the data structures and format of credentials being passed or referenced between two applications during credential exchange.


Status of This Document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current FIDO Alliance publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the FIDO Alliance specifications index at

This document was published by the FIDO Alliance as a Working Draft Specification. If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please Contact Us. All comments are welcome.

This is a Working Draft Specification and is not intended to be a basis for any implementations as the Specification may change. This document is merely a FIDO Alliance working group internal and member-confidential document. It has no official standing of any kind and does not represent consensus of the FIDO Alliance. No rights are granted to prepare derivative works of this Specification. Entities seeking permission to reproduce portions of this Specification for other uses must contact the FIDO Alliance to determine whether an appropriate license for such use is available.

Implementation of certain elements of this Specification may require licenses under third party intellectual property rights, including without limitation, patent rights. The FIDO Alliance, Inc. and its Members and any other contributors to the Specification are not, and shall not be held, responsible in any manner for identifying or failing to identify any or all such third party intellectual property rights.


1. Introduction

Note: The name of this specification is subject to change.

Credential migration has traditionally been an infrequent occurrence, when a user is attempting to migrate credentials from one credential provider to a new one, such as moving to a new password manager or mobile device. This has historically been a very manual process for credential providers, as there exists no normative structure to the credentials being exported by a credential provider. The goal of CXF is to define those normative data structures to allow for interoperability and control by resource owners over credentials that need to be migrated or referenced by one or more providers.

1.1. Motivation

Historically, there is no normative structure for passing credentials between credential providers, leading to a lack of interoperability and in some cases, the loss of credentials during transfer. While the Credential Exchange Protocol aims to define the standard protocol for the import and export of credentials, there additionally needs to be a standard format for the credential data being exchanged. The Credential Exchange Format aims to solve non-normative credential transfer for this protocol and other forms of credential exchange between providers to help make the process easier for users and organizations to securely handle exchange events.

1.2. Scope

This document outlines the data structures and format needed to exchange credentials and does not make any assumptions about the protocol used for the transfer, such as the protocol outlined by CXP.

1.3. Terminology

[Define any key terms and concepts used throughout this document.]

2. Format Overview

CXF defines a schema around an account owner and all of its associated secrets. These secrets are defined in a way where the most common attributes have dedicated fields, all the while allowing extra fields to be added as extensions.

2.1. Format Design Principles

Everything in a zip archive, each part is encrypted using the keys defined in CXP.

├─ index.json
├─ documents/
│  ├─ foo.docx
│  ├─ vault.ico
│  ├─ bar.pdf

[Detail the key principles that guided the design of the CXF format.]

2.2. Data Structures

[Explain the overall structure of CXF, including its main sections and their purposes.]

2.3. Encoding Considerations

[Discuss considerations related to encoding and data representation within the CXF format.]

3. Data Structure Specification

[Provide detailed specifications for each section of the CXF data structure.]

3.1. Header Section

[Describe the contents and purpose of the header section within the CXF data structure.]

3.1.1. Header

dictionary Header {
    required unsigned short version;
    required DOMString exporter;
    required unsigned long long timestamp;
    required sequence<Account> accounts;
version, of type unsigned short

The version of the format definition, The current version is 0.

exporter, of type DOMString

The name of the exporting app (should this be an rpid?)

timestamp, of type unsigned long long

The UNIX timestamp during at which the export document was completed.

accounts, of type sequence<Account>

The list of Accounts being exported.

3.1.2. Account Dictionary

dictionary Account {
    required Base64URLString id;
    required DOMString userName;
    required DOMString email;
    DOMString fullName;
    DOMString icon;
    required sequence<Collection> collections = [];
    required sequence<Item> items = [];
    sequence<Extension> extensions;
id, of type Base64URLString

A unique identifier for the Account which is machine-generated and an opaque byte sequence with a maximum size of 64 bytes. It is not meant to be displayed to the user.

userName, of type DOMString

A pseudonym defined by the user to name their account. If none is set, this should be an empty string.

email, of type DOMString

The email used to register the account in the previous provider.

fullName, of type DOMString

This OPTIONAL field holds the user’s full name.

icon, of type DOMString

This OPTIONAL field defines if the user has set an icon as the account’s avatar.

collections, of type sequence<Collection>, defaulting to []

All the collections this account owns. If the user has collections that were shared with them by another account, it MUST not be present in this list.

items, of type sequence<Item>, defaulting to []

All items that this account owns and that are not stored in a collection, or are a part of many collections. If the user has access to items that were shared with them by another account, it MUST not be present in this list.

extensions, of type sequence<Extension>

This OPTIONAL field contains all the extensions to the Account's attributes.

3.1.3. Collection Dictionary

dictionary Collection {
    required Base64URLString id;
    required DOMString title;
    DOMString subtitle;
    DOMString icon;
    required sequence<Item> items = [];
    sequence<Collection> subCollections;
    sequence<Extension> extensions;
id, of type Base64URLString

A unique identifier for the Collection which is machine-generated and an opaque byte sequence with a maximum size of 64 bytes. It is not meant to be displayed to the user.

title, of type DOMString

The display name of the Collection.

subtitle, of type DOMString

This OPTIONAL field is a subtitle or a description of the Collection.

icon, of type DOMString

This OPTIONAL field is a relative path from this file to the icon file acting as this Collection's avatar.

items, of type sequence<Item>, defaulting to []

Enumerates all the items in this Collection.

subCollections, of type sequence<Collection>

Enumerates any sub-collections if the provider supports recursive organization.

extensions, of type sequence<Extension>

This enumeration contains all the extensions to the Collection's attributes.

3.2. Credential Section

[Explain the components and fields of the credential section, detailing how credentials are represented.]

3.2.1. Item Dictionary

dictionary Item {
    required Base64URLString id;
    required unsigned long long creationAt;
    required unsigned long long modifiedAt;
    required DOMString type;
    required DOMString title;
    DOMString subtitle;
    required sequence<Credential> credentials;
    sequence<DOMString> tags;
    sequence<Extension> extensions;
id, of type Base64URLString

A unique identifier for the Item which is machine-generated and an opaque byte sequence with a maximum size of 64 bytes. It is not meant to be displayed to the user.

creationAt, of type unsigned long long

The UNIX timestamp at which this item was originally created.

modifiedAt, of type unsigned long long

The UNIX timestamp of the last modification brought to this Item.

type, of type DOMString

This member contains a hint to the objects in the credentials array. It SHOULD be a member of ItemType.

title, of type DOMString

This member’s value is the user-defined name or title of the item.

subtitle, of type DOMString

This OPTIONAL member is a subtitle or description for the Item.

credentials, of type sequence<Credential>

This member contains a set of Credentials that SHOULD be associated to the type.

tags, of type sequence<DOMString>

This OPTIONAL member contains user-defined tags that they may use to organize the item.

extensions, of type sequence<Extension>

This member contains all the extensions the exporter MAY have to define the Item type that is being exported to be as complete of an export as possible.

3.3. Credential Data Types

3.3.1. Credential Base Dictionary

dictionary Credential {
    required DOMString type;
type, of type DOMString

This member contains a string representation of the credential type. The value SHOULD be a member of CredentialType but importers MAY attempt to store unknown item types in their own way as a best effort.

Note: The type value will be the same for all items implementing a particular credential which means that developers can rely on obj.type returning a string that unambiguously represents the specific kind of Credential they are dealing with.

3.3.2. BasicAuth

dictionary BasicAuth: Credential {
    required CredentialType type = "basic-auth";
    required sequence<DOMString> urls;
    EditableField username;
    EditableField password;

3.3.3. Passkey Dictionary

dictionary Passkey: Credential {
    required CredentialType type = "passkey";
    required Base64URLString credentialId;
    required DOMString rpId;
    required DOMString userName;
    required DOMString userDisplayName;
    required DOMString userHandle;
    // JWK, CoseKey, pkcs#8 ?
    required object key;
    Fido2Extensions fido2Extensions;

3.3.4. CreditCard

dictionary CreditCard: Credential{
    required CredentialType type = "credit-card";
    required DOMString number;
    required DOMString fullName;
    DOMString cardType;
    DOMString verificationNumber;
    DOMString expiryDate;
    DOMString validFrom;

3.4. Metadata Section

[Detail the metadata section’s role in providing additional information about the credential data.]

3.5. Supporting Data Structures

3.5.1. ItemType Enumeration

enum ItemType {

An Item that SHOULD contain any of the following Credential types:


An Item that SHOULD contain any of the following Credential types:


An Item that SHOULD contain any of the following Credential types:

3.5.2. CredentialType Enumeration

enum CredentialType {

3.5.3. EditabelField Dictionary

dictionary EditableField {
    required Base64URLString id;
    required DOMString fieldType;
    required DOMString value;
    DOMString label;
    DOMString designation;

3.5.4. Fido2Extensions dictionary

dictionary Fido2Extensions {
    Fido2HmacSecret hmacSecret;
    Base64URLString credBlob;
    Fido2LargeBlob largeBlob;
    boolean payments;
    Fido2SupplementalKeys supplementalKeys;

3.5.5. Fido2HmacSecret

dictionary Fido2HmacSecret {
    required DOMString algorithm;
    required Base64URLString secret;

3.5.6. Fido2LargeBlob

dictionary Fido2LargeBlob {
    required unsigned long long size;
    required DOMString alg;
    required Base64URLString data;

3.5.7. Fido2SupplementalKeys

dictionary Fido2SupplementalKeys {
    boolean device;
    boolean provider;

3.6. Defined Extensions

dictionary Extension {
    required DOMString name;
    // Should there be an included schema? or use a URI to define the schema?
name, of type DOMString

The name of the extension which will define the contents associated. If the extension is defined in this document then the value will directly use that name. If this is a custom extension defined by the exporter, then the value MUST take the following format: EXPORTER_RP_ID/EXTENSION_NAME. As an example

3.6.1. Sharing an Entity (Sharing)

dictionary Shared: Extension {
    required DOMString name = "shared";
    required sequence<SharingAccessor> accessors;
}; SharingAccessor
dictionary SharingAccessor {
    required DOMString type;
    required Base64URLString accountId;
    required DOMString name;
    required sequence<DOMString> permissions;
type, of type DOMString

This member specifies the type of access that the user by the accountId has to this entity. The value SHOULD be a member of SharingAccessorType but importers MUST ignore any SharingAccessor entries that are unknown values for this member.

accountId, of type Base64URLString

This member points to an Account's id that has been given access to this collection by the current Account.

name, of type DOMString

This member contains the userName if type is of value user. If type is of value group this member then contains the group’s name.

permissions, of type sequence<DOMString>

This member lists the permissions that this accountId has to the associated Collection. The values SHOULD be members of SharingAccessorPermission but importers MUST ignore unknown values, ignoring any unknown values in permissions. The importer MUST ignore any SharingAccessors that have an empty permissions list, whether it’s been exported as empty, or the result of ignoring all unknown values. SharingAccessorType Enumeration
enum SharingAccessorType {

Indicates the respective SharingAccessor is describing a user’s permissions on the Collection.


Indicates the respective SharingAccessor is describing a group of users' permissions on the Collection. SharingAccessorPermission Enumeration
enum SharingAccessorPermission {

Indicates that the respective SharingAccessor has read permissions on all Items in the associated Collection.


Indicates that the respective SharingAccessor has update permissions on all Items in the associated Collection.


Indicates that the respective SharingAccessor has the permission to create new Items in the associated Collection.


Indicates that the respective SharingAccessor has the permission to delete any Item in the associated Collection


Indicates that the respective SharingAccessor can share any Item from the associated Collection with users or groups if they so choose.


Indicates that the respective SharingAccessor can manage this Collection, meaning they can edit the collection’s attributes, share it with others, etc.

4. Usage Guidelines

[Offer guidelines for using the CXF format to import and export credentials securely.]

4.1. Importing Credentials

[Explain the steps and considerations for importing credentials using the CXF format.]

4.2. Exporting Credentials

[Provide instructions for exporting credentials to the CXF format.]

4.3. Security Considerations

[Highlight the security considerations that should be taken into account when using the CXF format.]

5. Examples

[Present practical examples of importing and exporting credentials using the CXF format.]

5.1. Importing a Credential Set

[Walk through the process of importing a set of credentials using CXF.]

5.2. Exporting a Credential Set

[Provide an example of exporting a credential set to the CXF format.]

6. IANA Considerations

[Outline considerations related to IANA registrations, including the CXF media type.]

6.1. CXF Media Type

[Specify the media type for CXF and its registration details.]

7. Security Considerations

[Provide an in-depth analysis of the security aspects of the CXF format and its use.]


Conformance requirements are expressed with a combination of descriptive assertions and RFC 2119 terminology. The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in the normative parts of this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. However, for readability, these words do not appear in all uppercase letters in this specification.

All of the text of this specification is normative except sections explicitly marked as non-normative, examples, and notes. [RFC2119]

Examples in this specification are introduced with the words “for example” or are set apart from the normative text with class="example", like this:

This is an example of an informative example.

Informative notes begin with the word “Note” and are set apart from the normative text with class="note", like this:

Note, this is an informative note.


Terms defined by this specification

Terms defined by reference


Normative References

Marijn Kruisselbrink. File API. URL:
S. Bradner. Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. March 1997. Best Current Practice. URL:
Michael Jones; Akshay Kumar; Emil Lundberg. Web Authentication: An API for accessing Public Key Credentials - Level 3. URL:
Edgar Chen; Timothy Gu. Web IDL Standard. Living Standard. URL:

IDL Index

dictionary Header {
    required unsigned short version;
    required DOMString exporter;
    required unsigned long long timestamp;
    required sequence<Account> accounts;

dictionary Account {
    required Base64URLString id;
    required DOMString userName;
    required DOMString email;
    DOMString fullName;
    DOMString icon;
    required sequence<Collection> collections = [];
    required sequence<Item> items = [];
    sequence<Extension> extensions;

dictionary Collection {
    required Base64URLString id;
    required DOMString title;
    DOMString subtitle;
    DOMString icon;
    required sequence<Item> items = [];
    sequence<Collection> subCollections;
    sequence<Extension> extensions;

dictionary Item {
    required Base64URLString id;
    required unsigned long long creationAt;
    required unsigned long long modifiedAt;
    required DOMString type;
    required DOMString title;
    DOMString subtitle;
    required sequence<Credential> credentials;
    sequence<DOMString> tags;
    sequence<Extension> extensions;

dictionary Credential {
    required DOMString type;

dictionary BasicAuth: Credential {
    required CredentialType type = "basic-auth";
    required sequence<DOMString> urls;
    EditableField username;
    EditableField password;

dictionary Passkey: Credential {
    required CredentialType type = "passkey";
    required Base64URLString credentialId;
    required DOMString rpId;
    required DOMString userName;
    required DOMString userDisplayName;
    required DOMString userHandle;
    // JWK, CoseKey, pkcs#8 ?
    required object key;
    Fido2Extensions fido2Extensions;

dictionary CreditCard: Credential{
    required CredentialType type = "credit-card";
    required DOMString number;
    required DOMString fullName;
    DOMString cardType;
    DOMString verificationNumber;
    DOMString expiryDate;
    DOMString validFrom;

enum ItemType {

enum CredentialType {

dictionary EditableField {
    required Base64URLString id;
    required DOMString fieldType;
    required DOMString value;
    DOMString label;
    DOMString designation;

dictionary Fido2Extensions {
    Fido2HmacSecret hmacSecret;
    Base64URLString credBlob;
    Fido2LargeBlob largeBlob;
    boolean payments;
    Fido2SupplementalKeys supplementalKeys;

dictionary Fido2HmacSecret {
    required DOMString algorithm;
    required Base64URLString secret;

dictionary Fido2LargeBlob {
    required unsigned long long size;
    required DOMString alg;
    required Base64URLString data;

dictionary Fido2SupplementalKeys {
    boolean device;
    boolean provider;

dictionary Extension {
    required DOMString name;
    // Should there be an included schema? or use a URI to define the schema?

dictionary Shared: Extension {
    required DOMString name = "shared";
    required sequence<SharingAccessor> accessors;

dictionary SharingAccessor {
    required DOMString type;
    required Base64URLString accountId;
    required DOMString name;
    required sequence<DOMString> permissions;

enum SharingAccessorType {

enum SharingAccessorPermission {