Two of the biggest social media sites, X (formerly Twitter) and LinkedIn, are reportedly soon set to support passkeys, a way for users to log in to their accounts without using a password. According to discoveries made by iOS developer Steve Mosher, the two services contain code that suggest they will soon be compatible with the new technology, whose standards are governed by the FIDO alliance as set out in the FIDO2 specifications.


The Conversation: The age of hacking brings a return to the physical key

The Conversation explains how the FIDO standards can bolster security for access to online accounts.

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Secure ID News: Merging FIDO and PIV could help Feds achieve strong authentication goals

This story from Secure ID News covers a recent FIDO Alliance white paper that outlines…

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FindBiometrics: FIDO Heralds Increasing Prominence of its Standards in Mobile Sector

In this article, FindBometrics reports on how the FIDO Alliance is heralding the increasing prominence…

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