Passwords are a form of knowledge-based authentication. For a user to prove they are who they claim to be, they need a secret — the password — that has been previously stored by the service. Multifactor authentication (MFA) is a technique designed to strengthen the authentication process by adding possession-based authentication to knowledge-based authentication. A service can only authenticate a user when they prove they have knowledge of the shared secret in addition to something they have or are. Eliminating shared secrets removes the intrinsic weakness of password-based authentication and MFA. A secure form of possession-based authentication is the best alternative. Passwordless authentication based on FIDO standards is considered the archetype. FIDO passwordless authentication is based on public-key cryptography.


TechRadar: Passwords out, passkeys in: The future of secure authentication

Since the inception of the internet, passwords have been the primary authentication factor to gain access to…

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MobileIDWorld: Research Reveals Security Implications of FIDO2 and Synced Passkeys

Recent academic research has revealed new insights into the security considerations surrounding FIDO2 authentication and…

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ZDNet: What are passkeys? How going passwordless can simplify your life in 2025

You probably have a lot of passwords in your life. Even with the help of password…

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