A recent SpyCloud study showed that over 64% of people reuse their passwords. Some experts continue to stress the use of password managers to mitigate this issue, but this could be squashed by eliminating passwords all together. Going passwordless gained momentum in the second half of 2022 when Apple, Google and Microsoft committed to expanding their support for the FIDO standard. FIDO’s work has resulted in the development of FIDO Universal Second Factor (FIDO U2F), FIDO Universal Authentication Framework, and FIDO2- which have been embraced and further utilized by a few of the largest tech companies in the world.


The New York Times: The Tech That Our Security Experts Use to Be Digitally Secure

Security experts from the New York Times explain why they use FIDO security keys for…

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CSO: Two years after the OPM data breach: What government agencies must do now

In this look back at the OPM data breach, Jeremy Grant of Venable and FIDO’s…

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mHealth Intelligence: Can Behaviors Replace the Password on Mobile Health Devices?

mHealth Intelligence reports on a FIDO Alliance webinar featuring Aetna, who spoke on modern authentication…

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