Mastercard has been a leader in using biometrics in stores and online for a long time as a safe way to verify identity. Instead of a password, the person is used instead. Biometrics have also been used to verify the identities of online shoppers through “selfie pay” and online, using standards like FIDO (Fast Identity Online).


Health Data Management: What can healthcare providers do about the rising number of security breaches?

FIDO Alliance’s Brett McDowell and Aetna’s Jim Routh explain that, with the increasing frequency of…

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The Verge: How to set up two-factor authentication on all your online accounts

In this story from The Verge, reporter Natt Garun explains how to set up two-factor…

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Huffington Post: Ask The Thought Leaders: What’s The Future of Cybersecurity?

This Huffington Post article says FIDO Authentication is the future for “all logins that contain…

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