Legacy MDS2 Information

As of May 2021, Metadata Service 2 has been deprecated and replaced with Metadata Service 3. To read more about MDS3 it please visit https://fidoalliance.org/metadata. MDS2 will be fully operational for additional 18 months or until October 2022. It is highly encouraged to begin migrating to MDS3.



MDS2 is using token authorization via GET request. If you have previously had access to MDS2 but lost token, please contact support@mymds.fidoalliance.org.

Obtaining TOC

Latest TOC can be downloaded from https://mds2.fidoalliance.org/?token=your-access-token-string. Replace “your-access-token-string” with your token.

Example(not a valid token): https://mds2.fidoalliance.org/?token=6d6b44d78ThisIsTestToken322d4d4de0000

To find about TOC structure and rules for processing and validation of the MDS TOC in the FIDO Metadata Service specification https://fidoalliance.org/specs/fido-v2.0-id-20180227/fido-metadata-service-v2.0-id-20180227.html

We use GlobalSign for our PKI, and the root GS-R3 certificate can be found here: https://valid.r3.roots.globalsign.com/

Obtaining individual Metadata files

TOC will contain a list of Entries that have URL parameter. The URLs in the TOC corresponding to each Authenticator will be of the format: https://mds2.fidoalliance.org/metadata/0042%230002. You then need to append your access token: https://mds2.fidoalliance.org/metadata/0042%230002/?token=your-access-token-string

Example(not a valid token): https://mds2.fidoalliance.org/metadata/0042%230002/?token=6d6b44d78ThisIsTestToken322d4d4de0000

The resulting metadata will be Base64URL encoded.

More on rules for processing and validation of the MDS TOC in the FIDO Metadata Service specification https://fidoalliance.org/specs/fido-v2.0-id-20180227/fido-metadata-service-v2.0-id-20180227.html

To find more about legacy Metadata Statement format https://fidoalliance.org/specs/fido-v2.0-id-20180227/fido-metadata-statement-v2.0-id-20180227.html

Obtaining access token for MDS2

If your company just recently implemented MDS2 support, and it is crusial for them company to have access to legacy MDS2, please email support@mymds.fidoalliance.org.

Be aware that MDS2 is deprecated and frozen. No new metadata will be added to MDS2. Service will be shut down in October 2022. As of April 2021 MDS3 is in Beta testing, and we will be releasing specification end of May. Stay tuned.

Useful tools
