Microsoft has observed a proliferation of adversary-in-the-middle (AiTM) techniques deployed through phishing-as-a-service (PhaaS) platforms, the company explained in a series of tweets posted on August 28, 2023. “This emphasizes the importance of MFA through methods like Microsoft Authenticator, FIDO2 security keys and certificate-based authentication in securing identities,” the company said.


Biometric Update: FIDO Alliance showcases ecosystem of FIDO certified products

Biometric Update reports on the new FIDO Certified showcase, which provides deploying organizations with a…

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CNET: Facebook now lets you lock down logins with a key

CNET reports that social media giant Facebook is now enabling users to lock down their…

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Ars Technica: Now there’s a better way to prevent Facebook account takeovers

Facebook is joining a handful of online services—including Google, Dropbox, GitHub, and Salesforce—in supporting security…

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