Company Information

PayEye is a European fintech with Polish roots and global reach that has developed the world’s first commercial payment ecosystem based on iris biometrics, and again in 2022, the world’s first technology based on the fusion of iris and face biometrics in payments. Combining technology with science, PayEye has developed its proprietary and innovative eyePOS payment terminals, supporting biometric payments based on the fusion of biometrics, an in-app electronic wallet for users, and algorithms that process the iris and face into a biometric pattern.

PayEye is the pioneer technology of the future, which uses a fusion of two biometric characteristics for even greater convenience, security and functionality. You don’t need to carry anything, to be able to pay for everything – a single glance is all it takes. PayEye is not only technology that allows biometric eye payments, it is also about offering faster payments in e-commerce.


The PayEye ecosystem

Combining technology with science, PayEye has developed its proprietary and innovative eyePOS payment terminals, supporting biometric payments based on the fusion of biometrics, an in-app electronic wallet for users, and algorithms that process the iris and face into a biometric pattern.


PayEye ecosystem

The biometric technology

PayEye’s proprietary iris recognition technology reads the biometric samples of a user’s irises and converts them into a unique and secure PayEye Code, which is encrypted and cannot be neither read by anyone, nor converted back to image data. Combined with PayEye’s cloud-based biometric matching infrastructure, this allows for a quick identification of the user and authorization of their payment. Iris recognition is supported by our face recognition technology. A unique customer experience is the core of our service – with one look, our device reads both biometric characteristics, no additional presentations required.

płatność jednym spojrzeniem

płatność jednym spojrzeniem

urządzenie eyePOS


eyePOS terminal

Secured against attacks

For the evaluation, conducted by the experienced US-based lab – iBeta, PayEye submitted its latest eyePOS equipped with the company’s proprietary iris recognition algorithm. For the testing of the Presentation Attack Detection accuracy, we obtained a 0% error rate, meaning that the system is capable of rejecting 100% of 14 different types of FIDO Level A and Level B attack attempts across 300 trials conducted by the testers.


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