Akamai Technologies, a cybersecurity solutions provider, today announced the launch of Akamai MFA, a cloud-based solution to close the security gaps that exist in the multi-factor authentication technique, which has now become an industry norm. Akamai MFA is a phish-proof solution designed for enterprises to quickly deploy FIDO2 multi-factor authentication without the need to deploy and manage hardware security keys.


CSO: The Internet of Identities (IoI)

IoT, mobility, cloud and pressing security needs mean that every node must have a trustworthy…

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The Verge: Two-Factor Authentication is a Mess

While not all two-factor is created equal, The Verge reports that FIDO Authentication is the…

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Mashable: This smart ring gives you instant mobile payments with beefed up security

The Token smart ring allows wearers to make mobile payments, unlock doors, and, through the…

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